Welcome to the website representing composer and performer Simon-Mary Vincent.
On this page you will find Simon-Mary’s newsletter, as well as updates to the video archive containing interviews and performances.
All Vision Of Sound Records releases available now on Bandcamp.
Media Innovation Awards 2024
I have recently received news that the UK-based Innovation in Business have recognised my work by awarding me both their “Most Innovative International Composer & Performer” and “Musical Education Excellence” awards.
This is in addition to their 2023 award for “Most Innovative Piano Music Composer (UK)”.
While I am of course deeply honoured, this could not have been possible without the support of all the individuals, venues, institutions and audiences with whom I work, and the wonderful team at Mila Art Agency for their inspiration, encouragement and fantastic work.
My heart-felt thanks to them.
Next Events
25th January
Lothar Ohlmeier (bass clarinet)
Simon-Mary Vincent (live electronics)
Monumentenstrasse 25
New Release On Vision Of Sound:
Three Green Hills Pieces for Solo Piano

Simon-Mary Vincent: Three Greenhills Pieces
The pieces were created using Pianoteq’s physically modelled Steingraeber E-272 Concert Grand Piano with a preset customized by the composer. The midi information of the performances was captured by the software and exported as digital audio.
Three Green Hills Pieces is dedicated to longtime, Norwich-based musical collaborator and friend Dave Pullin on the occasion of his 66th birthday on 25th July 2022.
Available now on all streaming & download sites.
New Release On Vision Of Sound:
Sinan’s Delight

Simon-Mary Vincent: Sinan’s Delight
My works focuses on the more contemporary classical / experimental side of music, but sometimes other musical creations just pop out, as any composer will tell you.
So it is with Sinan’s Delight, a little UK garage track, with some typical Vincent-type twists full of driving, swinging hand-programmed beats and warm synths.
It’s named after Sinan Örs, promoter, agent, DJ and legendary good friend from our days working together at LTJ Bukem’s label back in the late 90’s/early 2000’s.
It’s a perfect, free-spirited tune for the summer, and I hope you like it.
Available now on all streaming & download sites.
Sentinel & Marksman
After almost 20 years in the archive, I have released 2 ‘historical’ eps digitally on Bandcamp.
Sentinel was originally released on vinyl in 2004, drawing critical praise from Gilles Peterson and Mr. Scruff among many others, while Marksman from 2002 is being released for the first time.
Both eps draw on my love of broken beats, distorted funk, jazz, future-retro synths, and much more.
Listening back gave me a chance to reflect on these tunes after 2 decades, and you can read my personal thoughts on the music in the ‘sleeve notes’.
You can find both eps here:
Please note:
Although the title track of Marksman is heavily influenced by 70’s film scores more than anything else, I will be donating all proceeds from that track to Word4Weapons.
St. Hugh’s Foundation for the Arts:
Artists Respond Awards 2021

I am honoured to be a recipient as part of the latest round of St. Hugh’s Foundation for the Arts Artists Respond awards.
The St. Hugh’s Foundation has always played a important role in supporting artists, but its work is currently more vital than ever during this crucial time for the arts.
The award will allow me to continue work on two large-scale works, one for piano and 5-channel electronics, the other for percussion and 4-channel electronics. More information about the works’ premières will be announced early next year.
Congratulations to all the 2021 recipients, and thank you very much to St Hugh’s for their generous support.
You can find out more about St. Hugh’s Foundation for the Arts here.
Special New Release On Vision Of Sound Records
Stirfry: Electroacoustic Improvisations
Out now on Vision Of Sound Records

Electroacoustic Improvisations
This is a very special release indeed on Vision Of Sound Records.
Stirfry (1993-1996) was an experimental electro/acoustic trio based in Norwich that constantly challenged many of the accepted rules and boundaries of free, improvised music-making at that time by way of its openness to sampling, melody and rhythm just as much as more experimental approaches to sound.
It featured Colin Brady (percussion), Dave Pullin (soprano and sopranino saxophones) and Simon Vincent (piano, synthesizer and live electronics), and in its brief yet intense history surprised – it’s more than fair to say – audiences at some of the UK’s leading improvised music events in Leeds, Sheffield, Manchester, London and of course Norwich itself.
This studio recording made in 1995 allows the listener a unique and focused window into the pacing, energy and above all detail of just some of the vast canvas of Stirfry’s soundworld.
This release is dedicated to the memory of Colin Brady (1960-2021) and his breath-taking approach to sound and invention.
New Release On InnerSpaceOut

once upon a time in vienna:
In collaboration with Charles Petersohn
New Release On Vision Of Sound Records
Self Portrait Nr. 1 – With Ancestors June 2020
Out now on Vision Of Sound Records
New Release On Vision Of Sound Records
The Occasional Trio: Live In Berlin
Out 18th October on Vision Of Sound Records
You can pre-order the CD Album here.
Simon Vincent and Steingraeber & Söhne
In collaboration with Steingraeber & Söhne Piano Makers in Bayreuth, I have been exploring the sound world of their marvelous pianos, including the recent Transducer Grand Piano.
You can see the results of this and many other exciting innovations here.
Next Event
Autumn Revelations
Out now on Vision Of Sound Records

Mr. Gee’s Magical Trombone Case
Mr. Gee‘s Magical Trombone Case is a suite of 3 acousmatic miniatures using trombone gestures, warm-up sounds and extended techniques often found in the instrument’s repertoire. The work commissioned by Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Principal Trombone Matthew Gee, and released on his label MG Music in 2018.
TechFestival Copenhagen 2017
I’m delighted to announce a new commission for live electronics from TechFestival Copenhagen.
The work – a collaboration with curator Lena von Geyso and vocalist/composer/performer Sophie Tassignon – features 5 c.45-minute reflections on contemporary political, cultural and social themes, and will be premiered on 5th September 2017 at the TechFestival Copenhagen.

Stations of the Cross 2017
Simon will be touring Stations of the Cross for Solo Piano around the UK between 3rd April and 20th May.
It is a new music work which opens up the subject of the relationship of the individual to society and to the state.
Simon invites the audience to discuss the work and its surround issues after each concert. If you would like to contribute you can visit the project’s site on Facebook and get in touch there.
3rd April – 20th May 2017
Simon Vincent: UK Solo Piano CD Release Tour
3rd April – 20th May
Further details here

2016 Round-up
Dear All,
As 2016 draws to a close, I would like to say a heart and soul-felt “Thank You” to all those with whom I have had the pleasure of working and whom I have had the pleasure of meeting (again, in some cases) this year.
The concert by The Occasional Trio last week in Berlin was, for me at least, a fitting end to the year, and I would like to share this one track taken from our performance.
It is entitled ‘Prayer Unto the People and Unto the Land‘. It is not only a prayer but also a wake up call and in some ways a command from the heart to all those responsible, to all so-called world ‘leaders’ to look finally at the state of the world, and to think carefully before taking their next steps.
Thank you to Roland Fidezius and Rudi Fischerlehner for their artistry and performance, and to Photomusix for her photos of the concert.
May we all find the happiness we seek over the coming days and may 2017 bring us all closer in ways that make us stronger but also more tolerant and more open-hearted.
Thank you for reading.

I am very pleased to be part of this new release available now on Edition DEGEM, featuring Julia Mihály, Inge Morgenroth, Arsalan Arbedian, Kirsten Reese, Mehran Sherkat Naderi among many others.

Tom Arthurs & Simon Vincent
Real-time Sound Sculpture Vol. 1
Available from 7th October 2016
Focusing on extreme detail and attention to the dynamics of sound, Tom Arthurs and Simon Vincent present this new album of stunning real-time
sound sculptures, recorded in 2015.
You can purchase the album as CD directly through us, or as digital download in our online shop.
Simon Vincent’s The Occasional Trio
Opening Lines
The Occasional Trio’s stunning début album Opening Lines on Vision Of Sound Records is out now!
World-wide distribution is through Naxos USA in partnership with Willowhayne Records.
You can purchase the cd here and the digital download here.
Here is what they’re saying about the Album (you can read the full reviews here)
“Future/memory jazz full of dynamism, melody and groove. Masterful compositions intimately performed. Beautiful music.”
Nick Luscombe BBC Radio 3 Late Junction/FlomotionRadio
“Dynamic… sublime… refreshing… occasionally too much of a good thing can be wonderful.”
Peter Wockner, Jazz and Beyond
“Layers of great sensitivity… captivating… vast shimmering piano impressionism… unique sensitivity for sound”
Robert Ratajczak, Longplay
“A pianist with a delicate touch… lyrical, extremely evocative music… propulsive and vigorous… exquisite”
Pierre Dulieu, Dragon Jazz

You can view videos from their fantastic Album Launch Concert at the Schlot in Berlin here.
To get information on up-coming events please click here.
If you would like to contact us, listen, or watch please click here.
To purchase score, cds and digital downloads, please click here.
To purchase score, cds and digital downloads, please click here.
September 2016 News
Mac N Bass will be playing in Poland on 9th September, Tom Arthurs & Simon Vincent Real-time Sound Sculpture Duo will be playing in Berlin on 15th September, with our new album coming out at the beginning of October.
Following that I am very excited to announce that I will be recording solo piano works at the Steingraeber Haus in Bayreuth at the beginning of October for release next year, at the end of which I will be performing a solo piano ‘Gesprächskonzert‘ there on the 11th.
And finally, I am pleased to announce a commission from wonderful trombonist Matthew Gee for several new pieces.
More on all of these activities soon.
In the meantime, to start September off, ‘I Can See You Now‘ by The Occasional Trio, live at the Schlot last May.
I hope this update finds you all well, and that you are having a wonderful summer. Thank you for reading.
July 2016 News
After a busy summer launching OPENING LINES by THE OCCASIONAL TRIO to great reviews, completing and premiering a new commission LA MIA COPPA TRABOCCA for solo piano and electronics, receiving Kate Halsall’s fantastic new CD including a new work STUDY NR. 3 for 2 pianos and electronics, performing with Mac N Bass N Gray and finally with The EMW Orchestra 2016, I will be taking break to prepare for events in the autumn.
These include work at the VICC in Visby on a new composition for solo piano and multi-channel playback, recording solo piano works at the Steingräber Haus for release in 2017.
In addition Mac N Bass will be off to perform in Poland and THE OCCASIONAL TRIO will be at the wonderful LeLabo Bar in Berlin.
Please check the Events page for further information and Facebook for the latest photos and posts.
Thank you to everyone for your support at concerts and online. I hope you all have a wonderful summer break.
March 2016 News
The Occasional Trio will be presenting their stunning début album at a special pre-release concert at the Schlot in Berlin.
Just a few days later, I will be premiering his new composition for solo piano Stations of the Cross for a private audience in Berlin.
Please check the Events page for further information.
November 2015 News
As featured on JazzFM’s ‘True Brits’ and Chris Philips’ ‘The Blueprint’
EP now out on Vision Of Sound Records.

CD EP available directly from us and Digital Download available on iTunes here.
October 2015 News
The Occasional Trio
Simon Vincent’s “The Occasional Trio” will be going in to the studio to record their début album. More soon.
Simon Vincent Solo / Duo Concerts
Starting on 8th October, Simon will be performing in Brussels, Canterbury, Norwich, Berlin, and Ekaterinburg, with a programme featuring his own work “…Falling Man, Rising Woman…”, Morton Feldman’s “Palais de Mari”, as well as collaborative electro-acoustic improvisations with local artists.
August 2015 News
The Occasional Trio
Before The Occasional Trio dives into the studio at the end of September, here are some more photos from their concert at the B Flat Berlin in May this year, featuring Simon Vincent, Roland Fidezius and Rudi Fischerlehner.
NEW REVIEW from Extra Normal Records.
Charlotte & Mr. Stone: Live at Café du Burgaud.
Featuring Sophie Tassignon and Simon Vincent.
“… exquisite, magical, mesmerising, transcendental, yet unshakably earthbound …”
The Album is available through iTunes on Vision Of Sound Records.
July 2015 Round-up
Dear Readers, as summer is in full swing, and in the air there is a moment to reflect, we thought we’d take the time to write a round-up of the latest news.
Firstly, we’re very pleased to announce that Simon’s latest composition “…Falling Man, Rising Woman…” a subtle yet unrelenting work for solo voice and electronics has been chosen by The Wire Magazine for inclusion in its new Wiretapper CD soon to hit the shelves.
This marks a furthering of the collaboration with the magazine that already stretches back to 1998 with the first reviews of Simon’s “REALM”. Thank you to all at The Wire for their support.
Simon will be performing “…Falling Man, Rising Woman…” in Brussels in October as part of the “the other the self#1” festival at Q02.
In addition, Tom Arthurs and Simon have been crafting the details of their real-time sound sculptures for their new album, to be released in 2016 on Vision Of Sound. More about that very soon.
The Occasional Trio are also gearing up in their inimitable laid-back but focussed style for their up-coming recording session in September, giving Simon time to ‘disappear’ behind the piano and sheets of manuscript paper.
On another note, there has been a much-needed digital change. The old Visionhead has split into two.
Simon’s new website can be found here:
And Vision Of Sound will be relaunching here:
You will still be able to purchase CDs, scores and downloads from Simon’s site until the end of year.
Just drop us line to find out more and to keep in touch.
Thank you for reading and wherever you are, we wish you all a wonderful and healthy summer.
May 2015 Round-up
May has been a wonderful month here at Vision Of Sound, opening up so many new and surprising things.
3rd May at Ma Thilda in Neukölln saw a mind-boggling 2 sets of improvised music by Willi Kellers, Lothar Ohlmeier and Simon Vincent joined later (hot from Ms. Hecker!) by Ken Aldcroft and Meinrad Kneer. A huge thank you to Ken for organising that, and both to Meinrad for raising the temperature.
5th May The Occasional Trio with Roland Fidezius and Rudi Fischerlehner and Simon at the piano took to the stage for the first time at the B-Flat in Berlin. Immediately opening the space up for sensitive and dynamic interplay, the concert brought out the very best in these 3 musicians. You’ll hear and see more from them very soon.
14th May Simon’s new work “Falling Man, Rising Woman” for solo voice and live electronics was premiered at D21 in Leipzig. The event was the opening of “Kein Ort, sondern ein Zustand”, an exhibition meticulously planned and curated by Lena Von Geyso and Elisabeth Pichler. The exhibition runs until 24th May, so you still have a chance to visit. It was indeed an honour to have been given the opportunity to present a new work in this inspiring context. Thank you so much to both Lena and Elisabeth.
5th May 2015
The Occasional Trio at the B Flat Jazz Club, Berlin
We’re all extremely excited about the first concert of Simon Vincent’s new project The Occasional Trio.
It’s very special music, played by very special musicians. Please come along, spread the word, like us, and tell everyone!
You can preview The Occasional Trio here.

19th February 2015
Exhibition Opening: La Rinconada
KaBe Contemporary, Miami, Florida
Featuring the works of Chilean visual artist
Magdalena Correa, the exhibition will
feature the collaborative work “…de la ceguera”
(blindness), created by Magdalena Correa (video)
and Simon Vincent (sound).
You can view the event on Facebook here.

Out now on Vision Of Sound Records:
Charlotte & Mr. Stone Live at Café Du Burgaud

Recorded live on a tour of France in May 2013, this new album from Sophie Tassignon (vocals/Loopstation) and Simon Vincent (live fm/granular synthesis) contains stunning, subtle and dynamic live improvisations.
The album is available as digital download from here.
Read the album’s first reviews from Longplay and Dragon Jazz here.
Coming Soon on Vision Of Sound Records
The Occasional Trio

A wonderful new trio featuring Simon Vincent (piano), Roland Fidezius (double bass) and Rudi Fischerlehner (drums/percussion) started life in June 2014.
Click here for a preview on Soundcloud.